After breakfast this morning, we all headed over to Tewa Womens United to finish up the work there and give those of us who were on other sites a chance to see the new mural and groundswork. Helen, who is an accomplished scenic artist specializing in creative wall
treatments, showed us her completed design and Ellen, Diana C., William, Margo and others finished up the front walkway, planting flowers and greenery:

Georgia humbly displayed her beautifully painted birdhouses and decorations for around the building. It should look very nice for their grand re-opening later this month.
After a stop to pick up cheesecake for our hosts (we'll be having a barbeque at the reservation later today and Gilbert mentioned he loves cheesecake), we then drove over to the firing pit to see the work there. The roof was completed and the firepit covered over. George stayed to help a bit more while the others drove over to the gathering place.

Though the weather was threatening showers, we started to work on gathering stones for a spiral and digging holes for making adobe. Aurora tirelessly started patching the semi-circular
adobe seating areas and Michael, Gilbert, Rich and Sorrel Ann continued cutting and hammering the wooden beams of the 'roof' of the arbor:

Betty, William, Barbara, Diana, Ellen, Diana C., Margaret and Rita had lots of different jobs digging the trenches, working with pick axes, raking the grounds and arranging the stones. George arrived and assisted Aurora with the abobe:

Then it started to storm...
Waylan arrived with a truckfull of stone which were unloaded as the rain started to come down. Those of us who had rain gear stayed outside and Gilbert told us all to gather the tools and ladders and head to the barbeque back in the village. Aurora and George had to practically be dragged from the site...they really wanted to finish that adobe wall!

In the late afternoon, we made our way down from the gathering place back down to the pueblo.
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